明尼苏达州农村电力协会为电力合作社提供各种培训, collaborates with vendor members to support cooperative needs, 并通过我们的年度青年之旅与合作的会员业主家庭合作.Education
明尼苏达州农村电力协会为成员合作社提供新主管培训等教育机会, leadership training, and more.
Youth Tour
Our Youth Tour program, an opportunity for high school students to visit our nation’s capital, 是电力合作社如何支持当地社区的众多例子之一吗.
明尼苏达州农村电力协会为成员合作社提供新主管培训等教育机会, leadership training, and more.
Youth Tour
Our Youth Tour program, an opportunity for high school students to visit our nation’s capital, 是电力合作社如何支持当地社区的众多例子之一吗.
明尼苏达州农村电力协会为成员合作社提供新主管培训等教育机会, leadership training, and more.
Youth Tour
Our Youth Tour program, an opportunity for high school students to visit our nation’s capital, 是电力合作社如何支持当地社区的众多例子之一吗.
Youth Tour
50多年来,电力合作社一直赞助一年一度的农村电力青年之旅. 16-18岁的高中生被选中去华盛顿特区旅行.C. to experience a firsthand look at how government works.
参与电力合作社提供领导、历史和乐趣. 青年之旅的参加者花一天的时间在国会山拜访我们的参议员和众议员, 目睹了我们最著名领导人的纪念碑的宏伟, 看着阿灵顿公墓一排排的白色十字架,反思自由的真正代价, 体验乔治·华盛顿心爱的弗农山庄种植园的生活.
“农村电力青年之旅是青年参与社区能源生产和消费以及国家层面能源政策的绝佳途径. 很高兴与来自明尼苏达州南部的学生见面,并听取他们对可再生能源的想法,这些想法将在他们的一生中开花结果. I’m inspired by this future generation of leaders, 我希望在华盛顿看到更多的学生作为未来农村电力青年之旅的一部分.”
To be selected for the Washington D.C. 青年旅游,你必须通过你所在地区的电力合作社申请. 明尼苏达州的33个电力合作社参加了华盛顿青年之旅. 每个co-op都有一个独特的申请流程和标准来选择学生或学生作为代表. If you are a high school student age 16-18, 请联系当地的电力合作社了解合格要求.
Member Education
我们为我们的成员提供广泛的培训和教育机会,以适应电力合作社的每一个角色. Our areas of training include leadership, management, financial, supervisory, customer service, technical best practices, monthly onsite safety meetings, apprenticeship certification, hands-on technical skills, hotline work, metering and more.
Education is one of the seven cooperative principles, 我们努力为明尼苏达州的电力合作社提供所需的知识,为会员业主提供可靠的, safe, and affordable electricity.
Members can login to access beat365中文官方网站 event calendar and registration.
From underground system design to understanding circuit fundamentals, 学徒在会员制企业中向有经验的熟练工学习手艺, not-for profit electric cooperative.
For apprentices, 这意味着与为投资者拥有的或市政公用事业公司工作不同的东西——这意味着成为合作商业模式的一部分. Guided by the history of serving a local need, electric cooperatives prioritize community service, education, democratic governance, independence and autonomy.
旨在满足联邦和州劳工部的要求, beat365中文官方网站流水线工人学徒计划为期四年,有可能在1-2年内进行测试. Apprentices get hands-on learning under journeyman supervision. By the end of an apprenticeship, utility personnel are ready to safely construct, operate, and maintain the electric power system.
那些有兴趣从事合作公用事业的人应该有一种冒险精神, passion about their community, and no fear of heights. For more information or to enroll apprentices, contact us.
Vendor Members
如果没有我们的供应商成员,支持明尼苏达州的电力合作社是不可能的. Our vendor member program 提供广告和营销机会以及会议, 为供应商提供与电气合作员工建立联系的贸易展览和活动.
Click here to see our Membership Directory & Buyer’s Guide.
To order a copy, click here.
Interested in sponsoring, exhibiting, or advertising? Contact us.
NRECA International Program
Help bring electricity to the people of Guatemala
In 2024, beat365中文官方网站和爱荷华州电力合作社协会(IAEC)正在合作,为危地马拉人民带来光明和繁荣.
As part of NRECA’s International Program, which helps bring electricity to impoverished countries, beat365中文官方网站和IAEC将在6月份向圣马科斯附近的一个地区提供一支由14名线路工人组成的团队,帮助两个小社区通电.
NRECA’s work has been ongoing in Guatemala for many years. In 2011, 第一批志愿者前往危地马拉帮助建设电力基础设施. Since then, more than 7,危地马拉农村地区的1万名居民通过“全国重建与重建中心”国际项目的工作获得了电力.
(No beat365中文官方网站 dues will be used for the cost of this trip.)
•支票:抬头“NRECA International”,并在备忘录中注明“MN 2024之旅”(将支票寄给beat365中文官方网站), 11640 73rd Ave. N., Maple Grove, MN 55369)
• Pay directly through PayPal by clicking here.
Cooperatives may consider unclaimed capital credits. 收到的第一笔6万美元捐款将由慷慨的联合基金提供相应的支持. Also, 从CoBank借款的合作社可以利用其“共享成功”匹配赠款计划,最高可达10美元,000. The 2024 program begins April 1 (
让我们知道,如果你打算给今年的旅行使用这些匹配的资金. 筹集的资金超过了这次旅行所需的资金,将用于未来的国际电气化努力.
- Lake Country Power
- MiEnergy Cooperative
- Minnesota Valley Electric Cooperative
- Nobles Cooperative Electric
- People’s Energy Cooperative
- Sioux Valley Energy
- Stearns Electric Association
Learn more
爱荷华州过去曾参与危地马拉的电气化工作. This short video summarizes their experience:
Learn more information about NRECA’s International Program here:
Thank you for your consideration of this great cause!